It's Been A While ...

Yes I know - it's been an extremely long time since I updated my blog and not been too hot at updating the facebook pages either.  Big slap on the wrists for me ....

I have been busy with the family which has been taking up alot of my time so instead of posting my ramblings and photos I have been up to my eyes in toddler toys and dog chews!  As some of you will know, I had a baby (a wee while ago now) and he is now 17 months, running around, terrorising the dog.  Yes - not happy with just having a baby back in September 2011, I decided 6 months later to get a cocker spaniel puppy too.... So I now have Andrew rugby tackling the dog Zoe who is just 1 year old, who then both attack Lewis who is 7 ... Oh its happy fun days in my house.

However, I am now back and hoping to have more time to update all these lovely posts for you brides and brides to be. 

There are a few changes coming with new stuff being launched real soon.  Not wanting to give too much away at the moment but really watch this space and also, link into facebook as lots of new ideas and supplier information will be getting posted there too.

It's all really exciting .....

